Welcome to the SUNTANSpy documentation

This site is still under construction



A suite of python tools for pre- and post-processing numerical model data. Specifically designed for use with the SUNTANS model.

The python files are organized into the following directories based on their general usage:

Not everything in this toolbox is specific to the SUNTANS model.

  • DataDownload Scripts for downloading observations and model data from different web servers.

  • DataIO General data input-output functions. Uses include netcdf, hdf and sql database files read/write/querying.

  • GIS GIS and other mapping tools. Reading and writing various GIS formats, creating digital elevation models and some plotting

  • SUNTANS Python tools specific to the SUNTANS model. Includes classes for parsing model output and constructing model input data.

  • Utils Miscellaneous utilities for performing general tasks like signal processing, interpolation and other data manipulation processes.


SUNTANSpy is on github here.

It currently is not set up as a python package. To install it, simply set your PYTHONPATH environment variable to each of your local folders from the repository.


Created by: Matt Rayson, Stanford University, October 2012